Call Us : 82-31-776-3480

About Us

IEXCO  Co., Ltd

IEXCO Co.,Ltd ushered in 2012 with a new vision of ‘customer-focused management’ to make an new lea forward with clients. IEXCO provides a wide array of services for your successful hosting of an international conference as a reliable international conference partner. Based on the seasoned know-how of having supported 10,000 conferences up to the back of seamless preparatory planning, intensive training on on-site responses and professional technical training. We also have a laundry list of international conference solutions covering Video, Audio, Translation and Intercom.

 BOSCH PA, Conference, CCS Official Dealer
 RTS/TELEX Intercom Official Dealer
 TELEX Aviation Headset Official Dealer
– CRESTRON Official Dealer
– Clearone Official Dealer
– Multicaisses Official Dealer

– Sennheiser Official Dealer
HAYACO Official Dealer

– Panasonic Projector / Analogway / RGB Spectrum / Krammer / Lifesize Products


 UStream Korea (Live / EFP / Broadcast)

 Contact Us
SungNam Office +82-31-776-3480 / F.A.X +82-31-776-3481